To compensate myself I made a veil. I had half a meter of acid coral/orange tulle left from this project I did back in January. I wasn't quite sure what to do with it.
That was until I saw the latest issue of Pigeons&Peacocks and their editorial called 'PAINT'. The mag features dresses by Tanya Ling, a graduate of St Martins school of Art. She does everything from illustration and painting to fashion design.
The dresses look like they've been painted with acrylics and kind of remind the of those ball gowns Dolce&Gabbana did few years back. This is the much modern take. Simple in shape and colour.
So I basically borrow the idea of painting fabric and used it on my veil.
Modelled by moi, is the veil before Photoshop editing.
This was an experiment really to see what looks like. I used acrylics in primary colour and white to create highlights. I took the brush for a walk basically.
The result is surprisingly very effective. I particularly like the contrast between those colours and texture of the brushstrokes.
It looks as if I painted my face when I squint my eyes.
And this picture is quite good as well-light, composition and so on.
As i LOOOVE making digital collages i couldn't pass making one for this veil. I usually use them as background.
Here I combined every lovely acid coral/orange nature I could find in my photographs. Flamingos, and those other birds with roses and those other flowers-very specific. I then just organised those images and set the saturation sky high! That's how I like it lately.
Defo more acrylic painting for me in future!
I shall post my painted bottles next!!!
Over and out-Cheap&Nasty-Adam x.x.x